Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Random video game review #1: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Oblivion was one of the first games for the Xbox 360. It is a classic RPG (Role Playing Game) set in medieval times. Classification: 15 (BBFC) 16+ (PEGI).
                                                                                      (Note: Picture has been edited)
Back in 2006, when Oblivion was released, the graphics were amazing. Don't get me wrong, they still are fantastic. The world that you get explore within the game is huge, packed with evil creatures, good creatures, dungeons, castles, cities, villages and lots more. You may find the occasional glitch in the game, like a wolf leaping into an invisible wall. But overall the graphics are very good.

The gameplay in Oblivion offers freedom, you could attack a wolf and run, or you could leave it, or you could kill it; the game offers plenty of options and routes to take. battles can be a bit boring, you just standing there singing your sword back and forward and occasionally throwing a spell at your opponent. There's not much in the line of blood and gore, no arms come flying off or anything like that. Although I said that combat can get boring, there is a variety of spells and charms to be found and bought. These include: fire balls, invisibility, levitation and quite a few more. 

Oblivion's storyline is long and gets confusing, not to mention a tonne of side stories and quests. A basic explanation of the story is; an evil group are opening these portals known as Oblivion gates in Cyriidol, all of these gates lead to the realm of Oblivion, you have to stop them. Trust me, there is far more to it than that! The storyline is very good and exciting, but can sometimes get confusing (don't worry though, you have an in-game journal that explains everything).

Oblivion is a massive open-world RPG with plenty of exploration to be done, plenty of monsters to kill and plenty of weapons and caves to be found, but can have dodgy glitches.
My Rating: 9.5

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